Active & Safe Routes to School Program (ASRTS)

Comprehensive, community-based initiatives that encourage walking and cycling to school through education, training, promotion, safety improvements, and incentives.

Also known as Safe Routes to School.


Active Transportation (Active Commuting)

Human-powered travel, primarily walking and cycling but also in-line skating, skateboarding, wheel-chairing and other methods.


Bike Sharing

Programs that offer low cost bike rentals, intended for short periods of use and a large number of daily users per bicycle.

Public bike sharing initiatives are open to all users, while private bike sharing initiatives are restricted to employees or clients of a particular business or institution.



Services that offer short-term pay-per-use car rentals, typically open to the public and sometimes also to businesses as a complement or replacement to corporate fleet ownership.

Note:  In the UK carsharing is called car clubs.  UK carsharing refers to carpooling.


Commuter Survey

An electronic, paper-based or face-to-face tool for gathering information about employee commuting habits and attitudes in a workplace.


Cycling Skills Courses

Training for individuals about safe bicycle operation, addressing subjects such as riding in traffic, darkness and inclement weather, and roadside bike repair.


Emergency Ride Home (ERH)

A service offered by an employer or third party that helps non-driving commuters get home quickly and conveniently in case of family emergency, unexpected overtime or other unforeseen event.

Transportation is typically by free or reimbursable taxi or car rental.

Also known as guaranteed ride home (GRH)


Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH)

A service offered by an employer or third party that helps non-driving commuters get home quickly and conveniently in case of family emergency, unexpected overtime or other unforeseen event.

Transportation is typically by free or reimbursable taxi or car rental.

Also known as emergency ride home (ERH)


Employer Transit Pass Program

The sale of transit passes to commuters at their workplace, with the employer either acting as a reseller, or forwarding payroll deductions to the transit operator.

Payroll-deduction transit pass programs typically demand a minimum one-year subscription.


End of Trip Facilities

Bicycle parking, shower and change facilities in workplaces for use by cycling or walking commuters.


Individualized Marketing

Initiatives that use targeted, customized communication and incentives to motivate sustainable transportation choices by individuals who self-identify as being interested in adopting new behaviors.

Individualized marketing is most commonly applied at a household level, but can also be used in workplaces.


Market Segmentation

Division of a larger market into groups that possess common characteristics, as the basis for marketing activities that differ among groups.


Open Street Events

Special events that involve temporary closure one or more streets to motor vehicles, enabling use of the street space for walking, cycling, entertainment and other activities.


Public Transport Pass Program

Sale of discounted transit passes to the general public by subscription, typically for a minimum term of one year.



True or Traditional ridesharing is not a for-hire commercial service.

Riders do not hail a carpool or a vanpool, and drivers do not profit as they do with a taxi or as they do with transportation network companies.

Traditional ridesharing means people pooling from a common origin, such as a residence or park-and-ride lot, to a common destination, such as an employer or business park.

In some cases, an arrangement is made that allows carpool or vanpool drivers to recoup the cost of the commute or receive some de minimus compensation, but the pool driver is simply a volunteer commuter whose goal is getting to the same destination and home again, not to profit as a commercial driver.

Definition credited to ACT



A service to help commuters find partners for carpooling, vanpooling, bike buddies, walking buddies or transit buddies typically through automated Internet-based services.  It also refers to a service helping commuters find other transportation services such as transit routes, carshare, bikeshare, Uber, etc.


Telework (Telecommuting, Mobile Working)

An arrangement allowing workers to reduce their commuting by performing some or all of their work away from their normal workplace.


Transit Oriented Development

Form of development offering a land use density, mix and design that makes transit use attractive and efficient; typically involves mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly developments around rapid transit stations and corridors.


Transportation Demand Management (TDM)

The use of policies, programs, services and products to influence whether, why, when, where and how people travel.

TDM measures help shape the economic and social factors behind personal travel decisions.


Transportation Demand Management Program (TDM) Program

A collection of TDM initiatives delivered through or in partnership with municipal government operations, typically with dedicated staff and financial resources.

TDM programs are usually considered to be ongoing, long-term endeavors rather than short projects.


Transportation Fair

A special event at workplaces or educational institutions to build awareness of sustainable travel options by offering a range of information and services.


Transportation Management Association (TMA)

An organization that promotes and supports workplace travel plans among employers; may offer services such as commuter surveys, analysis, consultation, special events and rideshare matching.


Transportation Management Organization (TMO)

An organization that promotes and supports workplace travel plans among employers; may offer services such as commuter surveys, analysis, consultation, special events and rideshare matching.


Trip Planning

Internet-based, phone-based or face-to-face help for individuals to plan optimal routes for trips, usually by transit but sometimes by cycling or walking.


Universal Transit Pass (U-Pass) Program (U-Pass) Program

Common initiative at post-secondary institutions, whereby all students or members of a sub-group (eg. full-time undergraduates) pay a fee that gives them unlimited access to transit for the entire semester, school year or calendar year.

U-Pass fees are typically much lower than the cost of buying regular passes or tickets, because the cost of transit fares is redistributed from a smaller group to a larger one.


Walking School Bus

An arrangement whereby a group of children walks to school with one or more adults, typically involving set meeting points, schedules and rotating volunteer schedules.


Workplace Travel Plan

A package of coordinated initiatives to encourage efficient and sustainable commuting among employees.



Shared use by multiple commuters of a van that is typically owned by a third party such as a non-profit organization, for-profit business or employer.