RideShark et Blaise s’associent pour tirer parti des avantages du transport en commun à la demande et de la mobilité urbaine intégrée

RideShark et Blaise s’associent pour tirer parti des avantages du transport en commun à la demande et de la mobilité urbaine intégrée Communiqué de presse December 3, 2020 (Ottawa & Montreal) – 3 décembre 2020 (Ottawa & Montreal) — RideShark, pionnier et leader nord-américain dans le secteur de la mobilité urbaine intégrée (MaaS), est ravi d’annoncer…

November 2020 Newsletter

Our team at RideShark was proud to successfully launch two new initiatives in October to support our customers and transportation professionals more broadly. We’ve also been busy developing new technologies to support the future of sustainable transportation and you’ll hear more about that in our Innovation Spotlight.

September 2020 Newsletter

2020 has been a year like no-other in recent memory and we appreciate the engagement we’ve had with many of our customers in supporting the various transportation needs that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the unique challenges we are all facing, our team at RideShark has been using this time to envision new and better ways for us to work with our customers in a more dynamic and collaborative way. We want to better demonstrate our leadership as a TDM platform provider.